Impostor Syndrome — A Trillion-Dollar Opportunity?


An illustration of a person experiencing self-doubt and feeling like an impostor.
A person experiencing self-doubt. Illustration created in collaboration with Stable Diffusion's AI model

There is a trillion-dollar opportunity hidden in impostor syndrome. Every time you think that “everyone else but me knows how to do this,” you’re looking at a market niche waiting to be served.

Have you ever felt like you’re not supposed to be where you are, or that you’ll be found out as a fraud? You’re not alone. Up to 70% of people have felt this way at some point in their lives. The trick to getting by is to take advantage of this fact.

If you don’t know how to do something, chances are, millions of others don’t, either.

Originally published at on October 4, 2022.



Preslav Rachev
Random Micro Thoughts

I am a genuinely curious individual on a mission to help digital creators and startups realize their vision. Follow my journey: